Please note THERE WILL BE NO ON THE DAY REGISTRATIONS – online registrations only.

Bib pickup will be at the IGA on Saturday 1st March 2025 or in the morning of the event.

7:30am for 21km and 15km, 7:45am for 10km, 8:00am for 5km, 8:15am for 2.2km and 9:15am for the Under 8 Kids. All 2024 start times will be notified in your runners pack, that will be emailed out the week before the event. Times are subject to change. They will be in alignment with the current government COVID safe restrictions.

The event will run from 7am to 11am and there will be a 3 hour window to complete the 21km.


What parking is available

To reduce impacts on the environment and local community we recommend that you carpool, walk or even ride to the event.

Should you need to drive to the event, there are 4 parking options available.
– There are two parking areas on Taroona Ave near the club rooms and kindergarten/tennis courts.
– There is a carpark on Everard Drive.

NOTE: The Taroona Avenue car parks will only be accessible prior to 7.30am and you may not be able to leave until 10.00am.

After 7.30am, parking is available at Stiggants Reserve.

Please note there is NO parking at Goldfields Plaza or the local church on Taroona Ave as this is reserved for patrons of these centres only. Parking at either of these locations is done so at your own risk.

Warrandyte is a safe community, however like any public parking place, it is recommended that valuables not be left in any vehicles.

Please click here to view the Parking Maps

What awards are there and are then participation medals

All participants will receive a participation medal.

Prizes will be awarded to participants based on the Event Distance and Age.

We will be awarding prizes for the following age groups:

1st, 2nd and 3rd – will be awarded a medal for each event in the following age groups

U14 years, 15-29 years, 30-49 years, and 50+ years

Under 8 Kids Event all participants will receive a certificate, participation medal and 1st, 2nd and 3rd will receive a place medal.


Is there Public Transport to the event

No. The event is being held on Sunday and buses will not arrive in time for the start of the event.

Are there Toilets available?

Yes. There are toilets in the club rooms, next to the skate park and also at the Stiggants reserve carpark.

Are there Drinks Stations on the Course?

Yes. There will be one drink station on the course for runners doing the 10km, 15km and 21km distances. All runners will receive water at the finish line.

If you drink a lot of water while running you may want to consider bringing your own bottle.

Can I enter on the day?

NO. There will be NO Registrations on the day.

Is there a cut off time?
Yes. Road closures will commence from 7.00am and the roads will reopen at 10.30am. You will need to have completed the course by 10.00am. If you haven’t completed the course you will need to make your own way back to the clubhouse on Taroona Ave. There will be a cut-off time of 8.50am to commence the last lap of the 2.2k, 5k and 10k courses and 9.10am for the last lap of the 15k course. There will also be a cut-off time of 9.00am and 9.10am for entry onto the Pound Bend Tank Track. If you have not commenced onto the Tank Track by 9.00am/9.10am you will be redirected along Pound Rd. This is why we cannot offer a 10k or 15k walking option.
Who does Run Warrandyte Raise Money For?

All money raised from the event goes to the Warrandyte Sports Club which supports the Warrandyte Football Club, Warrandyte Netball Club, Warrandyte Cricket Club and the Warrandyte Junior Football Club.

Can I walk the 21km, 15km and 10km Run?

No. This is due to the cut-off times for the event.

Can I take a pram on the course?

The 2.2k course is very suited to prams and wheelchairs.  It is asphalt all the way. It is recommended that prams start at the back of the field and remain to the side of the course to allow others past.

Note that the 5km, 10km and 15km courses are unsuitable for prams.

Can I wear earphones?

No. Earphones are prohibited from this event for the safety of participants and all who are involved in Run Warrandyte.

Where can I warm up?

There will be a supervised warmup on the Netball Court next to the Start line before each event. As the river walk is popular for walkers and is a designated off-leash area for dogs, it is requested that this track is not used for warming up for the safety and enjoyment of all concerned. If you are approaching from this direction please walk along the river to ensure the safety of all visitors.

What happens in the event of extreme weather conditions?

The run will continue unless there is extreme weather conditions like (E.G. Extreme or Code Red fire danger days), fire, flooding or hail in which case the event will be cancelled. In the event of any other adverse conditions including lightning or high winds we will liaise directly with the relevant authorities and be guided by their advice. You should monitor the website if extreme weather conditions are predicted.

If the weather is hot you will need to ensure you take on plenty of fluids at the drink stations, wear appropriate attire (eg hat, sunscreen) and report immediately to any of the first aid officers should you feel unwell.

As there is a Ranger Station at the end of Pound Bend Rd, in the event of an emergency you will need to move immediately off the course or as directed by officials to allow vehicle access. The Ovals event may be cancelled if the ground becomes extremely water-logged.

What happens if I am unable to attend?

All entries into the Run Warrandyte Fun Run are non-refundable. In the event that a participant has an illness or injury and can provide a valid medical certificate which deems the individual unfit to participate in the event then this will be reviewed. Email: registrations@runwarrandyte.com. If a refund is provided there will be an administration fee of $5.00 for any cancellation received after payment has been made. Cancellations must be received by 4:00pm on Thursday prior to the event. There will be no refunds after 4:00pm on the Thursday prior to the event. All entries are not transferable.

Can I switch between distances?

Yes. If you would like to switch between distances you will need to notify us prior to 12:00pm on Thursday prior to the event. Requests to switch distances after this time will not be allowed.

When and Where are the Awards Presented?

Only the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Over the line for each event – Males and Females will be presented by the sponsors on the day. The awards ceremony is held at the stage from the Festival Village, which is located on the Netball Courts. Awards will be presented from 8.30am onwards. All other medals will be mailed out to the winners after the event.

Can I stay in Warrandyte and make a weekend out of it?

There are many Bed and Breakfast accommodation houses in Warrandyte. But we would highly recommend you stay at the Crystal Brook Tourist Park, one of our most loyal sponsors. Click here to find out more:  http://www.cbtp.com.au/

What else is available in Warrandyte after the event?

If you still feel energetic you can head back down Taroona Ave and through the carpark to the walking track along the river. This will take you to the many shops and cafes in Warrandyte. Another option is to visit some of the walking tracks at Pound Rd (off Pound Bend Rd) to see if you can spot any wildlife.

There is an IGA, Cafes, Newsagent and bakery just across the road at the Goldfields Plaza. I urge participants not to park in the Goldfields Plaza carpark for the event as this is for patrons of the Plaza only.

Consider pre-booking lunch at The Grand Hotel – 9844 3202 for a Grand lunch after the running in one of the events.